Your Informal Leadership Skills Matter to Your Employees
Posted on September 29th, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes
As a leader in your organization, you have a massive impact on your workers. Here are three ways that your informal leadership skills affect your team members and why those skills are so important.
Welcoming Change
Embracing change is an essential skill that should be modeled for your workers. Change is what creates innovation and helps your staff members operate on higher levels. They’ll be better equipped for strategic thinking, problem-solving, and achieving company goals. By continually creating more efficient ways of producing your company’s products or services, your employees grow professionally and become more valuable assets to your organization.
Communicating Effectively
Clearly communicating with others must be exhibited for your staff members as well. Because of your valuable insight and contributions to the business, you have a great deal of involvement in major decisions. You’re an expert at openly providing information to your staff and promoting security within your team. Because of your personal magnetism and strong persuasion skills, your team members like and respect you. They turn to you for advice because they value your opinions and know that you value theirs. You stand up for what you believe in and empower others to do the same. You also provide constructive criticism when giving feedback so that your workers can improve their output. In addition, you practice active listening and gathering input so you can make informed business decisions. By following your lead, your employees improve their communication styles as well, which helps streamline business operations and increase output for a greater bottom line.
Driving Company Culture
Modeling company culture encourages your staff to interact appropriately with coworkers and customers. Because your actions greatly impact your team’s actions, it’s imperative that you always show proper ways of interacting and building rapport with employees on every level. When your workers see you helping out other teammates or colleagues, they’ll be quick to help out as well. When you demonstrate proper time management by staying engaged in your tasks, finishing your work on time, and helping the business achieve its goals, your employees will do the same. The way you handle customers will also be passed down as well.
Because your informal leadership skills strongly influence your workers, it’s important that you model appropriate behaviors at all times. For further help with developing your leadership roles, get in touch with the experts at Innovative Employee Solutions today!