Recruiting on Social Media – Time Suck or Valuable Asset?
Posted on February 12th, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes
According to a 2015 Jobvite Recruiting Survey, 92 percent of employers utilize social media when finding new employees. Discover reasons why and how your company can effectively use social media for recruiting.
According to survey respondents, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are the top three social media sites utilized by recruiters. Approximately three-fourths of respondents recommend sharing details about volunteer, professional, or social engagement work. About one half want to see candidates properly engaged with current events. One-third insist candidates for communications jobs have a social media profile to be considered for a position. All these aspects help paint a picture of potential employees and assist with deciding who to call for a formal interview.
Evaluate Cultural Fit
Social media helps quickly evaluate a job candidate’s cultural fit with a company. Reading a potential interviewee’s profile, work experience, endorsements, involvement with professional groups, following of relevant businesses and people, and personal posts helps recruiters decide how involved the person is with his industry, whether he might fit in well with others at the company and, if necessary, be willing to relocate. Such information reveals whether a job candidate is engaged and active in his profession and will likely be the same as an employee. These valuable details, unavailable with a traditional resume or phone screening, save recruiters and hiring managers time and money by weeding out potential job candidates within minutes and improve employee retention through stronger work engagement.
Promote Mission & Values
Having a well-defined social media brand helps attract more qualified candidates. Your company must sell its workplace culture to attract like-minded talent and influence them to work for you. Social media helps you attract the next generation of your workforce because millennials use mobile technology to promote their career paths. Since people use social media to connect their work with their interests, passions, experiences, network, and more, clearly promoting your company’s mission and values will help find your target prospects.
Advertise Positions
Utilizing social media to post available jobs reaches a broader segment of your industry to find potential candidates. You can publish targeted, industry-related news along with related job openings and tweet or post a Facebook update about skills you’re seeking in job candidates. You can engage with interested prospects online and get to know them personally before deciding whether to contact them for a formal interview.
If your company’s not using social media to its full potential, your competition definitely is. Stay on top of the best hiring and employee engagement practices by contacting Innovative Employee Solutions today!