Employer of Record

By: Sara Jensen, Vice President of Business Development The U.S. staffing industry has been growing steadily over the past few years, with 2018 revenues expected to be around $148 billion and 2019 revenues set to surpass $150 billion. Now is the time for a young staffing firm to make a name for itself. But that means focusing…
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By: Peter Limone, President and CFO, Innovative Employee Solutions (IES) Published by: Entrepreneur "Just be sure to treat those gig workers right because, with employment at a historic high, it's not uncommon for recruiters to poach workers from competitors." These days, we all know people who work in the gig economy. After the economic downturn of…
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Human resources departments can play an integral role in driving business. But when HR professionals are tasked with a laundry list of administrative responsibilities, strategic pursuits often fall to the wayside. Fortunately, there is a solution. As the gig economy rises, there’s a growing trend to outsource HR’s administrative responsibilities. In the next four years,…
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By: Tania Fiero, Chief Human Resources Officer Published by: HR Daily Advisor High-quality talent is hard to come by and even harder to keep. With low unemployment and a generation of reliable, experienced workers pondering retirement, competition for talented employees has become the stuff of sleepless nights for chief human research officers. With nearly half of all…
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By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development Published By: HRdive.com The gig economy is here to stay. More than a third of the American labor force is composed of contingent workers, and that number is growing. Freelancers are expected to make up the majority of the workforce within the next 10 years, according to an Upwork and Freelancers Union…
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You might not think of contingent workers when you're filling executive roles — but others certainly are. Believe it or not, 63 percent of executives say they'd switch to contract work if they could, and 47 percent of them would consider filling senior-level roles with contractors. So if your company is looking to fill top-tier positions,…
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A great museum carefully controls what's seen and what's not. Try viewing stunning sculptures in flickering light. Imagine admiring the beautiful brush strokes of a Monet only to hear a tour guide wrongly call it a Manet. World-class staffing companies work the same way. Sure, they may be working through challenges with their employer of record,…
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By: Trevor Foster, Vice President of Finance and Innovation Published By: Young Upstarts. Part of leading a small business is doing more with less, and labor costs are no exception. To compete with larger peers, most small businesses simply can’t afford to offer full-time positions with benefits. Technology is shrinking the world every day, creating…
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Human resources information systems (HRISs) have been around for longer than many of our employees have been alive. These systems, which first appeared in the 1960s, are meant to manage employee data and ease the relationship between human resources departments and their employees. In an economy that is increasingly freelance-oriented, however, HRISs are struggling to…
Read the full storyEveryone knows what assumptions do, but respected business leaders continue to make the assumption that gig workers are an inferior alternative to full-time employees. Andrew Berlin, CEO of Berlin Packaging, found the competitive spirit of his employees and their willingness to go the extra mile most compelling, and he credited them with growing the company to…
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