Employer of Record

Between technology and globalization, the world is much more connected now than it has ever been. However, with a “shrinking” world comes growing pains. As more companies are able to expand globally and in turn, hire from a global talent pool, they must contend with cultural differences in the workplace. However, companies are often so…
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As the Great Resignation continues, it’s incredibly important to get on top of retaining and engaging your workers this year. After all, it could mean the difference between a workforce that’s ready to tackle the day’s challenges and a widespread sense of burnout. Here are some tips you can integrate. As we were going…
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We’re in a worker-centric market, putting companies in steep competition to recruit and retain the talent they need. Workers have more powerful than ever and are comfortable leaving their current positions to find jobs that better meet their needs and workplace expectations. Through November 2021, in fact, more than 3.9 million people on average quit…
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2021 was a lot of things, but for many people, it was also the year they said “goodbye” to their employers. In May 2021, we began hearing rumblings of the so-called Great Resignation, and what followed were consecutive months of record-setting quit rates that peaked at 3% in September. In November alone, 4.5 million Americans…
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The war for talent is heating up, and not many organizations are winning. According to ManpowerGroup’s 2021 survey on employment outlook, 69% of companies are facing talent shortages and hiring difficulties. That’s because in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented workforce exodus known as The Great Resignation is exacerbating an already severe labor…
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Growth in the contingent workforce has continued to outpace expectations in 2021 due to a variety of factors. Chief among them is the desire for flexibility, an attribute that is now seen as a key ingredient of resilient organizations. Accordingly, HR leaders discovered that highly skilled contingent workers could help them address urgent needs. Of…
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In September 2021, 4.4 million people in the United States quit their jobs. That record-shattering number was simply one in a line of staggering numbers that soon became known, collectively, as the “Great Resignation.” Initially thought to be a temporary blip brought on by the unique conditions of the pandemic, many experts now believe this…
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The very idea of the workplace has shifted, and many industries now recognize that their work environments and hiring strategies can be more flexible, too. Company leaders can decide how to arrange work so that it works for everyone, reimagining details from the physical space that team members occupy to the hours they spend on…
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With global business creation exploding, now could be the perfect time to onboard talented contingent workers. If necessity is the mother of invention, then innovation is the child of adversity. Perhaps that’s why we saw an explosion of new businesses in 2020 despite a global pandemic and coronavirus-induced recession. After an initial decrease in new…
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In the early days of pandemic lockdowns, there was a lot of talk about what work would look like post-pandemic. Although some businesses believed that everything would eventually go back to the way things were, many others thought employees could forget about going back to the office altogether. As the pandemic wore on, workers began…
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