Hire-and-fire positions prevalent in education sector
Posted on May 9th, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes
According to CNN, 2.3 million people held temporary jobs in March, up from 1.7 million in mid-2009. With the economy still in flux, companies continue to attempt to satisfy customer demand without making potentially risky long-term commitments to worker salary and benefits.
"Employers know that the economy could change at any time," Jon Osborne, vice president for research at Staffing Industry Analysts, tells the news source. "So by hiring a temporary worker, companies have staffing for their peak needs but can let them go when they are no longer needed."
Another trend that's following the inclination to avoid full-time employment is the lack of tenured positions for college and university professors, explains the media outlet.
Non-tenure track positions now comprise about 75 percent of all U.S. college and university faculty – a notable increase from the 66 percent that was reported in a 1995 survey by the American Association of University Professors.
In general, the teaching profession is struggling as a result of the down economy. According to The Rio Grande Sun, 11 elementary and high school teachers will not be re-hired by the Española School District as part of a cost-saving measure for area schools. Last spring, the district laid off 24 employees in non-tenured teaching positions, saving $3.4 million.