Embrace Feedback from Your Team as a Way to Grow More Success
Posted on November 5th, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes
Feedback is vital to reaching your company’s goals. Without proper guidance on your work output, you won’t know what type of effect you’re having on meeting your organization’s objectives. Here are some important aspects of effective feedback, and how they help you prosper.
Elements of Feedback
To be most effective, feedback must be specific to a stated goal. When you understand your expected output, you’re better equipped for receiving objective and tangible feedback. For example, rather than being told you successfully completed a project, you may be congratulated for surpassing a specific objective by 15 percent.
Effective feedback should also be given in a timely manner. When you understand what specific aspects of your work performance are being completed at top levels, you feel rewarded and continue working hard. When specific performance issues need improving, you can adjust your actions accordingly before the issue becomes bigger.
Proper feedback is best given in a positive manner that benefits work performance. Feedback should be accurate and factual so you understand what behaviors need modifying, for what reasons, and how you may modify those behaviors. It’s best the worker giving you feedback mentions something you’re doing right before mentioning what needs adjusting. You’ll more receptive when you feel rewarded for your contributions.
Types of Feedback
One type of feedback happens naturally. You may receive self-evident feedback as you complete their work. For example, you’re a writer/editor who created a section of an article, then had to edit all other sections of the article into one piece with multiple authors, you may see your section doesn’t relate to the others and will need to be rewritten.
Another type of feedback is carefully planned according to a measurement system. For example, most production jobs require a set number of items being finished daily to meet the company’s needs. If you were a production worker being provided effective feedback, you’d know exactly what to do daily, weekly, and monthly to reach company objectives.
Importance of Feedback
Feedback shows your team mates’ perception of you, which may differ from how you see yourself. For example, you may see yourself as passionate while colleagues see you as overbearing. Perhaps you could subtly alter how you interact with co-workers to make them more comfortable. By learning how to be more productive at work, you become an even better leader and increase your value to the organization.
When you embrace feedback, you help your company grow. Reach out to the experts at Innovative Employee Solutions for all your back-office needs today!