IES Blog

Human Resource Management

Payroll Service Company vs Employer of Record
May 30, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Businesses move quickly these days, adding contingent workers on an as-needed basis when work and jobs ramp up in order to meet company objectives. Many search the web looking for help and hoping to find a quick solution. There are two types of services they can lean on: payroll service companies or payrolling companies that…

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IES New Portal
May 14, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Innovative Employee Solutions (IES) is constantly working to improve services for our clients. That's why we're making technology improvements our top priority with a new online services platform. Getting the user-friendly portal out to clients was a process of trial and error, and it took some fine-tuning and adjustment to get right. It was well worth the effort, though,…

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Businesses Internal Communication
May 6, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Poor internal communication can have some seriously negative impacts on a company — poor morale, high employee turnover and lower employee productivity, to name a few. Worse yet, these can lead to a lasting effect on a company’s bottom line. Statistics show that plenty of businesses could stand to improve in this area. According to…

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Bill Rate for Temporary Staffing and Payrolling Services
May 2, 2019 Read time: 5 minutes

If you’ve used temporary staffing or payrolling services before, you may have a general understanding of all the costs that are included in a bill rate.  However if you’re just now considering these services you might be a bit surprised when the staffing firm quotes the rate to you.  The purpose of this article is…

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Direct Sourcing Hiring Contingent Workers
April 15, 2019 Read time: 4 minutes

According to a study by ManpowerGroup, 40 percent of employers are finding it difficult to fill open positions. Considering that we're dealing with one of the biggest talent shortages in over 10 years, this comes as no surprise. While the unemployment rate rose a bit in January 2019, it still remained low at 4 percent, according to the Bureau of…

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Independent Contractor Compliance Factors
April 10, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Keep these factors in mind to make sure your independent contractor compliance program doesn't run into trouble. About 20%–30% of today's workforce in Europe and the US engages in some form of independent work, according to McKinsey, and those numbers will continue to grow. Such growth in the gig economy, along with increased attention from the US Department…

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Minimum Wage Increase Affect On Business
April 8, 2019 Read time: 5 minutes

The Raise the Wage Act of 2019 would result in a minimum wage increase that would significantly affect businesses. Discover ways to deal with rising labor costs. Designed to ensure that employees earn a reasonable living wage, the Raise the Wage Act of 2019 (H. R. 582) proposes a gradual minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $15.00, doubling the…

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Payrolling Company Benefits
April 3, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

When looking for help with human resources tasks for contingent workers, businesses don't always know what a payrolling company (also known as an employer of record) can do for them. It can be confused with payroll processing, but an employer of record can help in many more ways. And it's especially useful for expanding businesses…

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How to Grow Your Business with a Payrolling Company
April 1, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

There is plenty of room for creative freedom in business. Eager to throw a new product idea at the market? Go for it. Got a wild idea for that marketing campaign? Give it a shot. Thinking about a freestyle approach to how the company engages contract workers? Stop. When it comes to the regulated arena…

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Independent Contractor Trends
March 28, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Independent contractors and their employers regularly explore uncharted territory. With so many businesses now relying on the swelling gig economy, the National Labor Relations Board’s January decision to broaden the definition of independent contract work could create a ripple effect in the labor market. HR professionals should keep a close eye on what comes next to protect…

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