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Human Resource Management

performance reviews
November 29, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, Vice President of Human Resources Published by: Entrepreneur It’s not uncommon for "performance review season" -- which many companies are about to embark on -- to cast a shadow over a company’s employees. Almost everyone who participates in a performance review is dissatisfied with the process. There's evidence of that: Deloitte recently conducted…

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dating at work
July 26, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, Vice President of Business Development Published By: Staffing Industry Analysts - The Staffing Stream  Many Americans spend the majority of their waking hours at their workplace, so it is no surprise that relationships can often begin between colleagues. However, in the wake of the #MeToo movement involving shifting social attitudes and holding…

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agile hr
July 10, 2018 Read time: 4 minutes

Agile is probably not the first word you would use to describe the traditional model for hiring and staffing your organization. Typically, human resources departments hire candidates for defined roles with rigid criteria for lateral moves or promotions. But ignoring the agile approach hinders organizations from responding quickly to their constantly evolving needs. Today’s companies…

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two women at desk analyzing data on papers and iPad
May 14, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: HR Daily Advisor  Yesterday we began to learn about enterprise risk management (ERM) and how it influences HR. Today we’ll look at risk appetite, performing a risk assessment, and prioritizing risks. Determine Risk Appetite Of all the steps, this one tends to be the most difficult for…

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HR Risk Management
May 14, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: HR Daily Advisor You know that funny feeling you get in your gut when you leave the house thinking you forgot something? That exact feeling hit me earlier in my career when our company launched a division in a completely unfamiliar industry. At the beginning, things…

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company innovation
February 6, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: Entrepreneur.  The insurance industry gets a bad rap as outdated and inefficient. But one insurance firm, CSAA Insurance Group, is bucking the stereotype with a strikingly modern approach to innovation. This American Automobile Association-affiliated insurer caught the attention of the Harvard Business Review last August due to its…

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hr automation
January 3, 2018 Read time: 5 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: CEOWORLD Magazine.  Near-perfect productivity. Immune to drama and gossip. Efficient from morning to night. It’s a profile of the ideal worker. It’s also a list of qualities human beings will never have. What else do those attributes describe? An “R” word so contentious that it’s rarely…

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company benefits
December 13, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

Imagine you're at a holiday get-together with your extended family. Multiple generations — so many backgrounds, experiences, ideas, and opinions — are gathered in one room. Now, figure out a one-size-fits-all job offer you could make that would perfectly entice each and every person to join your company. If that task seems impossible, that’s because…

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human cloud
December 4, 2017 Read time: 2 minutes

By: Trevor Foster, VP of Finance & Innovation Published By: HR.Com.  Clearly, plenty of people are looking for work. Not all of those people want to be boxed in by traditional full-time employment, but HR and business leaders continue to cling to a one-size-fits-all model. Frankly, that isn't working in today's economy. According to IBM's…

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workplace collaboration
November 15, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, Vice President of Human Resources Published By:  During the Iraq War, General Stanley McChrystal turned al-Qaida's "team of teams" strategy against it. Like a swarm of bees, a team of teams forms around its mission, dissolves and then reforms again. Take a page from McChrystal, and you'll discover just how much…

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