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Human Resource Management

Freelancer Management System
November 6, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

Human resources information systems (HRISs) have been around for longer than many of our employees have been alive. These systems, which first appeared in the 1960s, are meant to manage employee data and ease the relationship between human resources departments and their employees. In an economy that is increasingly freelance-oriented, however, HRISs are struggling to…

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hiring great job candidates
October 31, 2017 Read time: 2 minutes

  By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development Published By: Times of San Diego. With 2018 just around the corner and the economy in good shape, many companies are looking to bring new talent to their team come January. Talented job candidates will always have several options, so if you want to attract the cream…

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October 30, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

While temporary does mean short-term, when that time is shorter than expected, it hurts business. According to the Staffing Industry Analysts’ 2017 Temporary Worker Survey, 31 percent of temporary workers have quit a position early. How can a business succeed if one in three workers leave before the job is done? A client company spends a considerable amount…

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October 6, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

There was a time when grocery shopping was simple. The aisles were few, and the selection small, but you got what you needed and never looked back. Walk into a grocery store today and you’ll get stuck in the peanut-butter-and-jelly aisle for an hour just trying to decide between dozens of different brands and varieties.…

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September 8, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

Life requires risk. Using your oven, driving your car, or even walking out your front door all involve a degree of danger. You do them daily, however, because they make life productive and interesting--co-employment is kind of like that. The same is true for hiring and managing shared employees. Whether sourced through a traditional staffing…

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August 31, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources  Published By: GovLoop.  Want to be your own boss? If so, you’re in good company. Contingent workers — gig workers (i.e., temporary employees), freelancers (e.g., Uber drivers), and independent contractors (e.g., marketing consultants) — now comprise over a third of America’s labor force. According to Intuit CEO Brad…

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August 29, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development This isn't your HR team's first rodeo. From onboarding to payroll processing to recruitment, your staff can do it all. But "can" is not the same as "should." Every hour your HR team spends number-crunching is one it can't spend crafting culture. Every dollar it spends on compliance is…

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August 7, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

Keeping up with technology is a constant struggle. From annually upgrading our phones to buying sleek, recipe-suggesting refrigerators, we strive to stay on top of modern life. And when I say "we," I mean Innovative Employee Solutions, too. Although we've always been tech-focused, we recently upped our game. After receiving dozens of clients surveys —…

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August 4, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

By: Peter Limone, President & CFO  Published By: CEOWORLD What will your company look like two decades from now? What new markets will it discover? Where will its next office be located? Will automatons work alongside humans? These are the sort of questions today’s CEOs are asking themselves. According to Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends,…

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August 2, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development  Published By: Business 2 Community  Think the gig economy is all Uber drivers and freelance writers? Think again. That may have been true in its early days, but this burgeoning workforce now powers all sorts of sectors. Contingent workers — including contract employees, freelancers, and independent consultants —…

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