IES Blog

Human Resource Management

March 25, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

The following is a guest post from IES’s President, Peter Limone:  Would you do your taxes without the help of a professional CPA?  With today’s complicated tax codes, the answer is almost certainly no.  Yet, many companies regularly engage in one of riskiest employment practices without professional guidance: hiring independent contractors. Using 1099 workers can…

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March 25, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Skilled workers engaging in negative behavior hurts your bottom line. Use the following tips to fix the problem, and get your workforce running smoothly again. Signs Negative cliques and gossipers constantly bring down leadership and company goals by standing around complaining about what they don’t like. De-energized and unmotivated workers who don’t offer ideas, input, creativity,…

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March 10, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Processing payroll is a time-consuming activity that doesn’t generate revenue. You’re better off outsourcing payroll to the experts at Innovative Employee Solutions. The following are just a few of the benefits outsourcing your payroll can offer. Productivity Calculating payroll, determining tax obligations, preparing checks, and providing management reports is complicated work. Summaries on earning statements,…

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February 25, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Employees are one of the most important assets for your business. Discover why implementing a wellness plan for your workers will help you retain them longer and increase your bottom line. Enhance Employee Welfare Healthier employees are happier, more productive workers. They enjoy having control over fitness goals that fit with their lifestyle. Whether you…

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February 23, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Like most business owners, you may feel you don’t have a solid pipeline of future leaders in your business. Without a long-term picture on what the future may hold for your workers, it’s hard to adapt to the changing needs of your customers or clients. Learn how to find and mold future leaders with a…

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February 19, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

As a business owner or manager, you wear many hats and juggle many responsibilities. Having to explain to upset employees why their healthcare costs continue to rise shouldn’t be one of them. Learn how to handle this issue or, better yet, have Innovative Employee Solutions handle it for you. Get Facts Talk with your accountant…

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February 10, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Intrinsic motivation results from workers focusing on internal drivers as their reasons for working at top performance levels. By increasing these motivators daily, your workers will feel more challenged, valued, engaged, and accomplished, resulting in greater output and an increased bottom line for your company. Challenge Employees positively challenged intrinsically desire to push to be…

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February 5, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Your business’s human resource responsibilities include payroll and tax filing, employee benefit and health administration, legal compliance, and more. Due to the comprehensiveness and complexity of these responsibilities, you may be far better off outsourcing them to an employer of record like IES. Risk Management With employment and labor laws constantly changing, staying current on…

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January 29, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

The following is a guest post from IES’s President, Peter Limone:  Each year Innovative Employee Solutions meets with hundreds of companies across the United States who are looking for help with Payrolling. Most of these companies are looking to take advantage of the increased efficiency, lower cost, and lower employment risk an Employer of Record…

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January 25, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Terminating an employee is not an easy task. Make the process go more smoothly by preparing for it in advance. Even better, let Innovative Employee Solutions handle everything as your employer of record. Fulfill Legal Requirements Start by covering all legal aspects of firing an employee. Create a paper trail of the worker’s performance reviews,…

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