Temporary workforce grows, can solve many staffing problems
Posted on May 21st, 2014 Read time: 2 minutes
The number of temporary workers is on the rise, according to the Associated Press. They account for 2.3 percent of all workers in the labor force, and do a variety of tasks. Some of the jobs that temps do include janitorial work, home-care and nursing, along with freelance photography and computer programming. Many work under contracts with a staffing firm, while others are able to freelance.
Some feel it harms the economy, according to the AP, while others see it as a natural progression that has been happening for years. There are people who are angry about so many temp jobs taking the place of full time work, and there are others in the labor community who think that temporary work can fill a niche, according to the AP.
"Some people don't want to be a full-time employee. They want contract work," said Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The AP reported Josten also acknowledged that some temp workers "are hoping the contract work will ultimately lead them into a full-time position."
Temporary work is a great way for employers to find full-time labor. A truly strong fit with a company culture can't necessarily be found through interviews and personality tests. By having a temp work alongside his or her future co-workers, it can be seen for sure whether the company bond would be long-lasting or not.
Temps are also a great solution to staffing shortages. Recently, a group of nurses in San Francisco protested the lack of nursing staff at their hospital, according to local Oakland, California TV station KTVU TV 2. They tried to meet the mayor after going to city hall, but were refused entrance, and left scrubs with the desk attendants. It was part of the ongoing contract negotiations between nurses and hospital officials, who are arguing about how many new nurses to hire.
An excellent way to hire nurses cheaply might be through a temporary services firm or even an employer of record. It is generally cheaper to hire a temp nurse than a full-time one.