IES Blog

Independent Contractors

October 28, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Utilizing temporary workers can provide considerable advantages. Here are four ways having a contingent workforce may benefit your business. Cost Savings You may save a substantial amount of money by bringing aboard temporary workers. Rather than cover full- or part-time salaries or wages, your business pays for services only when needed. This is especially beneficial…

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August 26, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

As a small-business owner, whether you properly classify workers as employees or independent contractors (ICs) saves you time and money in the long run. Learn the risks involved with misclassifying workers and how partnering with Innovative Employee Solutions can help mitigate those risks.  Typical Reasons for Misclassification Because employees are subject to more federal, state,…

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July 27, 2016 Read time: 5 minutes

By Trevor Foster, Vice President of Finance When you need to hire quickly for jobs that are non-traditional, specialized or temporary, it may seem like paying someone as an independent contractor is the easiest choice. You negotiate a rate, describe what things you need done and then issue payments directly to the contractor – no…

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July 21, 2016 Read time: 3 minutes

By Jennifer Maynard, Human Resources Manager As employers seek to make the workplace more flexible, there is an increasing need for work arrangements involving the contingent workforce.  Contingent employees may include temporary employees, part-time employees, on-call employees, consultants, seasonal employees and interns. The Staffing Industry Analysts estimates that the average company’s contingent workers currently make…

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July 7, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Many workers are changing jobs multiple times over the span of their career rather than staying loyal to one company for life. People want a greater work-life balance so they can spend more time doing what they love with their family and friends. On average, workers are staying at their jobs less than five years…

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June 21, 2016 Read time: 6 minutes

By: Sean Ring, Business Development Manager One of the most powerful and undeniable trends in the global economy is the perpetually transforming nature of the workforce. We have already experienced a vast shift over the past decade and experts in this field unanimously forecast the continued movement towards increased leverage of contingent labor. Contingent labor…

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May 30, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Hiring the right worker for the right job is a task all employers undertake at some point. Learn reasons why hiring a contract employee may be more reasonable than hiring a traditional employee. Scale Your Workforce Having a workforce that changes in size drives your company’s revenue. You pay for services delivered and nothing more.…

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two way road divided by a double yellow line
May 3, 2016 Read time: 3 minutes

Lemons are great in lemonade, but they might not be your first choice in a gin and tonic. If professional employer organizations (PEOs) and employers of record (EORs) were both garnishes, like lemons and limes, they'd belong in different drinks. Although they seem similar, PEOs and EORs provide different services. An EOR puts a portion…

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April 8, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Despite the fact that using contingent workers provides many benefits for your company, the issue of co-employment often arises. Although the staffing firm is typically considered the primary employer, co-employment issues come up when the client company exerts more behavioral and financial control over the contingent worker. Learn how to avoid taking on characteristics of…

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April 4, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

As owner of a company that utilizes independent contractors, it’s imperative you look closely at their signed agreements and at-work practices to ensure those workers aren’t categorized as your employees under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules. Learn how to avoid misclassification penalties and lawsuits by following these simple guidelines. Audit Worker Practices Have an attorney…

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