Montclair layoffs may lead to temp hiring
Posted on May 11th, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes
Budget cuts have taken their toll on Montclair, New Jersey, and the town council recently approved numerous changes to counteract decreasing revenue, according to The Montclair Times.
Specifically, lack of staff in the town's community services department has led to complaints by residents about their garbage not being picked up on time.
"With the lack of staff, we're having to put less trucks out on the road, which means it takes longer for us to pick up that garbage, so you're going to start hearing those complaints," Marc Dashield, township manager, told the news source. "Unfortunately when you make the reductions that we had to make, there's no way to continue at the same service level.
The media outlet adds that in order to make things easier on the town's budget, Dashield has considered hiring temporary workers.
Maury Peiperl, professor at IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland, explains to The Wall Street Journal that any time a company or entity can get more employment for less, it is better off.
In addition to staff cuts, the town introduced modified fees for municipal swimming pools. A family season pool pass will increase from $180 to $225 and a pass for a resident adult will rise from $60 to $75, while the rate for a senior citizen will jump from $12 to $15, The Montclair Times reports.