IES Blog

November 27, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Successful leadership transition management helps boosts businesses' financial performance and competitive edge in the hiring process, according to a recent study. Advisory company CEB found that companies using innovative approaches to transition management don't just focus on the incoming leader. They also work extensively to prepare existing employees and colleagues. According to CEB, these tactics…

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November 27, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

A recent report released by i4cp discussed the changing role of human resources in a business model, as more companies look to HR professionals for advisory services. Many companies are outsourcing their human resources tasks and obligations to expert providers, prompting a change in the way HR professionals are utilized by companies and employees. No…

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November 26, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Human resources professionals should be well-versed in the value of corporate social responsibility, ensuring employee policies and regulations are supporting the enterprise's efforts to boost its surrounding community. Without a clear understanding of a company's corporate social responsibility mission statement, human resources departments may overlook valuable opportunities to grow and develop the business in a…

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November 26, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

New challenges are facing companies worldwide, calling on human resources departments to develop new competencies and strategies to tackle these obstacles head-on. The recent economic crisis, continued globalization and advancements in technology are all altering the way business is conducted. As a result, human resources must take on new roles in the business model and…

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November 26, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

As shopping online and on mobile devices continues to grow in popularity, 49 percent of workers expect to spend some time in the office this holiday season shopping online, according to "Cyber Monday," a recent study by CareerBuilder. The internet usage survey found roughly 16 percent of workers will shop at work on Cyber Monday.…

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November 21, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Global companies' HR services are making their employee mobility programs more accessible and more attractive, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers' "Global Mobility Policies" surveys. PwC has surveyed nearly 1,000 companies from a variety of industries and company sizes since 1992. This year's survey found respondents are adopting new, non-traditional methods of promoting workforce mobility. These methods include…

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November 21, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

As human resource departments are the driving force behind successful businesses, it is important that certain development goals are identified early to ensure top talent is maximized throughout all operations. Human resources development goals not only drive growth and innovation, but create benchmarks of achievement to gauge the department's effectiveness and consistency. In a piece…

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November 21, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Many companies across a variety of industries look to human resource professionals as managers of people, or human capital, as well as the ones in charge of employee benefits administration. How well these teams of employees perform in the business model is one way to gauge the effectiveness of human resource department strategies and tactics.…

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November 20, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

As the end of the year is approaching quickly, there are several steps small businesses can take to adjust their 2012 taxes. Fox News provided seven payrolling tips for small-business owners looking to improve end-of-year numbers. 1. Hire a veteran. If organizations hire a veteran before December 31, For-profit organizations can earn up to $9,600…

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November 20, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Human resources departments are taking on new roles in business models, working to develop alternative employee benefits and retirement solutions to combat economic challenges. Companies are leaning on human resources departments to pinpoint the best employee benefits to attract new talent, retain current staff and protect the business' financial stability. The New York Times reported…

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