IES Blog

April 19, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

According to recent research, nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of employers regard international experience as an important or very important component of a senior professional's resume. The study, which was commissioned by global specialist recruiters Hydrogen Group and conducted by ESCP Europe, reflected the input of more than 2,300 respondents. Researchers also found that HR services…

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April 18, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Many times, people hear the word "outsourcing" and immediately think of customer support agents in distant countries speaking in a way that's difficult to understand, the 3Forward blog explains. However, HR outsourcing techniques shouldn't always invoke such a response. If your company has the desire to grow and expand its geographical reach, outsourcing positions such…

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April 17, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Recent U.S. Labor Department Statistics found that more Americans are quitting their jobs than being laid off, TheStreet reports. Specifically, the amount of workers applying for jobless benefits has risen to 380,000, its highest levels since January. What's more, the government's Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) revealed that the number of workers who…

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April 17, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

A recent survey from TheLadders revealed that the majority of job candidates (72 percent) would prefer to work for a more eco-conscious company. This may be troubling news to some companies, as just 48 percent of respondents felt their most recent employer was green, while 35 percent said they don't work for a green business.…

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April 16, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Oneida County Jail in Pennsylvania recently contracted with an HR outsourcing service to provide better care for inmates, the Utica Observer-Dispatch reports. The jail will be spending nearly $75,000 more under the agreement than if it were to use its own staff to provide care, however it will be "getting more for (its) money" from…

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April 13, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

A 41-page report authored by two professors recently brought to light discrepancies with Massachusetts' Employment Agency Law, and how immigrant temporary workers are being treated unfairly, MetroWest Daily News reports. As a result, the Joint Labor Management Committee unanimously approved a measure to recommend a bill that would update the law with the end goal…

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April 12, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent Dice report, technology consulting positions added 16,000 jobs during the first quarter of 2012, eWeek notes. The total number of available tech jobs, as of April 2, was listed at more than 85,000 - just over 52,000 full-time positions and more than 36,000 temporary or contract worker positions. This data serves…

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April 12, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Recruiters are being sought after by companies more than ever, according to recent research from Wanted Analytics. Specifically, more than 6,900 recruiting jobs were advertised online in March - a 62 percent year-over-year increase, and a shocking 219 percent rise from March 2009. Fifty-six percent of recruiting ads were placed by corporate employees, while 44…

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April 9, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the March jobless rate fell to 8.2 percent - a 0.1 percent drop from February, as the private sector added 121,000 jobs. The number of those who are long-term unemployed - or jobless for 27 weeks or more - remained fairly unchanged at 5.3 million…

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April 6, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

If you're a prospective job seeker applying for full-time, part-time or contract worker positions, a cover letter is something you should never neglect, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution explains. "The cover letter still plays an important part in the job search process," Rick Sullivan, principal at HRStar Consulting, tells the news source. "A cover letter shows an…

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