IES Blog

April 5, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Contract workers looking for hourly positions should consider a recent survey conducted by Working Mother magazine's Working Mother Research Institute, which broke down the best companies for hourly workers in 2012. The results were based off of benefits provided to workers, such as best policies and programs for promotion, as well as dynamic life culture,…

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April 4, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

HR administration generally should have policies regarding attendance, although the issue tends to be difficult to manage because everyone has specific situations that create exceptions to the rule. However, there's a difference between coming in late for a reason and chronic lateness. CBS notes that explanations for such behavior may include job dissatisfaction, salary-related resentments…

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April 3, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

According to data from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there were 5,818 claims of age-based harassment in the workplace in 2007, the Workplace Bullying Institute reports. By 2011, that number swelled to 6,406. How should HR administration handle these sorts of situations? Taunts aimed at older workers - typically aged 50 or older -…

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April 2, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

When your company is looking to hire a full-time, part-time or temporary worker, you might turn to a staffing agency for help. George Thomas, senior vice president at EverStaff, explains to Smart Business that it's best practice to have a firm on staff prior to considering outsourcing. "Obviously, it's always best to think about it…

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March 27, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Facilitating a long-lasting relationship with a contract or temporary worker is a great way to build trust and loyalty, ensuring that the worker is integrated effectively in their new position, Staffing Talk explains. According to Office Arrow, because temp workers are typically not considered "part of the team" by other employees, morale is reduced and…

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March 26, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

As both Democrats and Republicans stress to show voters they're committed to turning the economy around, two proposals were introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives to encourage hiring and small business investments, The New York Times reports. The Tax Relief and Job Creation for Small Business Act will provide an income tax credit to…

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March 23, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Legislation proposed by New York Representative Tim Bishop and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) would make companies that outsource call center work ineligible for federal grants and loans, the Huffington Post reports. The U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act aims to reduce the amount of call center jobs that have been contracted…

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March 22, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

If a company's new hire orientation is "stale, commonplace, lackluster or just downright dull," it could mar a worker's career trajectory and make them more likely to leave within six months, HCareers explains. Facilitating a well-run orientation process is not only intended to introduce the worker to the company's policies and procedures, but is also…

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March 21, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Job applicants are usually asked a fairly predictable set of questions by HR administration during the job interview process, such as inquiries about their prior experience, weaknesses, strengths, etc. However, The Associated Press reports that an increasing number of companies are asking applicants for more personal information - their Facebook username and password. While the…

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March 20, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

There were 21.7 million one-person (nonemployer) businesses in 2007, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. But, as the economy crashed, so did these companies, dropping to 21.1 million by 2009. However, those numbers have remained above 21 million in recent years, and are once again on the rise, CNJ Online reports. At these businesses, you…

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