IES Blog

December 12, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

A recently released white paper from The McGraw-Hill Research Foundation discussed how now is an opportune time to introduce mobile learning (mLearning) into the work environment. MLearning: A Practical Approach to Mobile Technology for Workforce Training, written by Alex Heiphetz, president of software solutions company AHG, outlines how HR administration can implement successful mLearning initiatives.…

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December 9, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

A recent survey from global market research firm ORC International revealed that more organizations are considering pay raises and awarding bonuses than they were last year. HR Reflections polled nearly 800 U.S. public and private sector human resource professionals, internal communications consultants and employee engagement specialists, finding that 83 percent of respondents are considering pay…

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December 8, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

The semi-annual Key4Women confidence survey revealed that 44 percent of women business owners (WBOs) intend to increase hiring over the next year - a 3 percent rise from April 2011. Conducted in October, the poll gauged women's confidence in their businesses and the challenges they may face in today's economy. More than 145 females from…

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December 7, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

HR outsourcing services typically don't discriminate between women and men when attempting to find new hires. However, it seems that women are becoming less prominent in the job force, according to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite the fact that women gained more than half of the 120,000 jobs added last month,…

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December 7, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to the 2011 Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey, 80 percent of respondents said they recruit full-time and temporary workers using social networks, while 9 percent planned to begin doing so. Furthermore, 55 percent stated that they'll spend more on social recruiting this year, 78 percent expect increased competition for hires and 64 percent plan to…

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December 6, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent survey from HireRight, 13 percent of healthcare managers stated that non-employees - or temporary and contract workers - made up between 11 and 20 percent of their workforce. Demand for more doctors and nurses has risen with the increased number of retiring baby boomers, as the portion of the population over…

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December 6, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

HR administration may want to consider a new employee motivation barometer tool that can help organizations understand what encourages staff to achieve business goals. Total Employee Engagement Solutions, a program from research supplier IDG Research Services, utilizes The Motivation Factor Index to determine how well individuals are able to manage their desire and engagement. The…

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December 5, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

The national unemployment rate fell 0.4 percentage points to 8.6 percent in November, the lowest it's been since March 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One industry in particular that has seen impressive gains is the technology sector, which added 7,100 jobs last month - a .17 percent increase from October, ComputerWorld reports.…

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December 2, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

The legal profession saw the largest net gain in terms of hiring expectations for the upcoming quarter, according to a survey from a Menlo Park-based specialized staffing firm. Specifically, 31 percent of the more than 4,000 C-level executives polled stated they expect to add positions during the first three months of 2012, as opposed to…

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December 1, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

More than $3 billion in talent management software was purchased in 2011, with more projected to be used in 2012, according to a recent Bersin & Associates study. The firm released its annual review of key HR administration and talent management trends for the upcoming year, noting that the talent acquisition market allocated around 10…

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