IES Blog

October 25, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

In a recent survey of more than 40 leading management service providers and vendor management service companies, Staffing Industry Analysts found that businesses are becoming increasingly proficient and organized while managing temporary and contract workers. One of the main components of these advancements is the use of technology, allowing companies to spread their reach to…

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October 25, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

With health costs on the rise and employers trying to keep their workforces productive and healthy, it's no surprise that companies all over the country are looking to cut spending and increase wellness. According to the 2011/2012 Staying@Work survey, the number of businesses implementing innovative employee solutions such as financial incentives for health management program…

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October 24, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

Human resources professionals and business owners have a lot of responsibilities, but payroll management doesn't have to be part of the equation if a company decides to outsource its payrolling services. According to Entrepreneur magazine, freeing HR administration from the duties of payroll can be the most cost-effective arrangement. If a payroll company is carefully…

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October 24, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

Just like seemingly every aspect of business, human resources departments can benefit from the latest technological advancements. Updated and modernized human resource information systems (HRIS) can provide back office support, make entities more efficient and cut costs, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. "HRIS vendors have evolved offerings to keep pace with shifting…

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October 21, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

Legislation has recently been introduced that would eliminate the federal certificate program that allows employers to pay disabled employees below minimum wage. The Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act of 2011, sponsored by Representatives Cliff Stearns, Tim Bishop and Gregg Harper, looks to end the current government program that supports applications for special wage…

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October 20, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

Whether we like it or not, social media is a major part of life. Many businesses have been able to leverage social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to market new products, attract clients or track down top talent. However, employers must be sure to properly manage social media use by workers to keep…

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October 19, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

One of the roles of HR administration is to quell conflict. Sometimes, this involves dealing with an angry employee venting his or her frustrations. An administrator can take action to mend this damaged relationship, lose the person's employment or keep him or her on the payroll. Humetrics suggests certain steps HR can take to resolve…

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October 19, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent survey from CouponCabin, 45 percent of U.S. adults will have difficulty affording holiday gifts this year. Tighter wallets have led more than 20 percent to say they'll be getting a second job to supplement their current income. The study, held between October 7 and 11, surveyed more than 2,200 adults. And…

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October 18, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to recent data from global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, job cuts were 126 percent higher in September than August. Furthermore, they were 212 percent higher compared to figures from September of last year. In total, employers reduced payrolls by 115,730 workers last month - the worst drop in more than two years.…

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October 18, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

The holiday season has opened up a plethora of temporary worker jobs at large retailers as well as theme stores such as costume shops. These positions tend to be low-paying, and prior to the economic downfall, typically went to high school students looking to earn some extra cash. However, ABC News reports that the landscape…

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