IES Blog

October 17, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to the National Retail Federation, retailers are expected to hire between 480,000 and 500,000 temporary workers this holiday season, Fox Business reports. Plus, a recent report by 24/7 Wall Street found that top retailers such as Macy's, JCPenney, Kohl's and Target are all hiring more workers this year compared to last year. While seasonal…

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October 17, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent study conducted by a Menlo Park, California-based IT professionals provider, many of the more than 1,400 chief information officers surveyed think email may soon become obsolete in the business sector. Researchers found that 54 percent of respondents believed instant messaging tools will be more popular among employees within the next five…

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October 14, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

Companies will occasionally provide their employees with bonuses in the form of stock options. The definitions of these benefits can get confusing, and it's HR administration's job to help explain exactly what they are, TLNT reports. The news source discusses multiple stock ownership programs. These include a restricted stock award, which provides the employee with…

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October 14, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

With the holiday season looming, large retailers are gearing up for the shopping explosion by hiring large numbers of temporary workers. Some companies are recruiting more heavily than others, and 24/7 Wall Street recently complied a list of the retailers that are expected to have the most seasonal employment opportunities. Party supply retailer Party City…

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October 13, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to research from the AARP Public Policy Institute, unemployed job-seekers aged 55 and older remain out of work longer than their younger counterparts, the Boston Globe reports. The figures, taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, found that it took older unemployed people an average of 44 weeks to land a new job,…

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October 13, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent report by Dallas, Texas-based advisory research firm Everest Group, HR outsourcing services for the global benefits-administration outsourcing (BAO) market are growing, Human Resource Executive Online reports. This is due primarily to the increased complexity and administrative requirements of healthcare reform. Specifically, the BAO market is growing at an annual rate of…

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October 12, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

The hiring process can be one-to-one, with an interviewer asking questions to a prospective candidate, or group-focused. Typically, at least one member of HR administration is present for a potential employee's interview, either asking questions or gauging responses. According to Human Resource Executive Online, one company that deploys a unique, group-based hiring process is Whole…

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October 12, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

HR administration is typically involved in the hiring process at most businesses. HR staff must be up-to-date on current background check, interview and hiring policies to ensure all prospective workers are afforded equal opportunities to land jobs. Thus far, six states have banned credit checks as part of the hiring and promotion process, and according…

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October 11, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

The Internal Revenue Service recently launched a program for employers intended to quell previous worker classification issues involving an employee being mislabeled as a contract worker. The Voluntary Classification Settlement program offers partial relief from federal employment taxes for eligible employers who agree to re-classify these workers as regular employees for tax purposes. Employers will…

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October 11, 2011 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent report from real-time business intelligence provider Wanted Analytics, hiring for HR services is on the rise. Researchers found that in August alone, 6,800 new jobs were posted online for human resource positions - a 33 percent increase year-over-year. Furthermore, around 3,500 job ads were placed by direct employers, representing around 52…

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