IES Blog

August 4, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

By: Peter Limone, President & CFO  Published By: CEOWORLD What will your company look like two decades from now? What new markets will it discover? Where will its next office be located? Will automatons work alongside humans? These are the sort of questions today’s CEOs are asking themselves. According to Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends,…

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August 2, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development  Published By: Business 2 Community  Think the gig economy is all Uber drivers and freelance writers? Think again. That may have been true in its early days, but this burgeoning workforce now powers all sorts of sectors. Contingent workers — including contract employees, freelancers, and independent consultants —…

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July 21, 2017 Read time: 1 minutes

By: By: Tania Fiero VP of Human Resources  Published By: Does your company pay overtime? If so, it's a good time to pay attention to politics. In May, the House of Representatives approved the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017 (H.R. 1180) by a 229-to-197 margin. Introduced by Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL), the bill…

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July 17, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Peter Limone, President & CFO Published By: Look around your office. If most of your workers aren’t millennials, they will be soon. Millennials already constitute a plurality of the labor force. By 2020, they’ll represent more than 1 in 3 adult Americans, and by 2025, they’ll comprise 75 percent of the U.S. workforce. How can…

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July 11, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: Times of San Diego  The weather is warm, the beaches are packed and 5 p.m. couldn’t come soon enough. In San Diego as well as the rest of the country, it’s common for productivity to dip as temperatures rise. So what can you do about it?…

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June 7, 2017 Read time: 5 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, PHR, VP of Human Resources The National Safety Council recently published that almost 13,000 American workers are injured every day on the job.  It gets worse.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics published their study this spring regarding workplace injuries resulting in deaths in 2015 and there were 4836, the highest since 2008. …

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May 30, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

Like most independent recruiters, you’d love to expand your business, increase revenue and offer your clients more choices.  Adding contract workers to the mix seems like a good way to do it – until you think about the devastating duo of never-ending paperwork and increased liability. That’s where an Employer of Record (EOR) company comes…

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May 25, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

By: Peter Limone, President and CFO Published By: Entrepreneur.  Employing contingent workers is a hot trend, but startups embracing this strategy must take steps to shield themselves from blowback. In fact, entrepreneurs unfamiliar with the gig economy and its unique liabilities are getting burned. In March, worker misclassification blew up in the face of Instacart, which spent $4.6…

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May 11, 2017 Read time: 5 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources What ruins a good night’s sleep for most American workers? Is it disappearing jobs? Vanishing paychecks? Offshoring? Actually, it’s none of the above. Consistently since 1997, according to Gallup, U.S. workers have worried more about losing their benefits than any other job-related stressor. In fact, it should worry…

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May 2, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development Published By: GovLoop You know how hard it is to hire a great employee. Now, imagine needing to hire dozens of highly skilled workers eligible for federal security clearance in mere months. Sounds impossible, right? Yet, that’s the challenge defense contractors like Lockheed Martin overcome year after year.…

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