IES Blog

February 10, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Intrinsic motivation results from workers focusing on internal drivers as their reasons for working at top performance levels. By increasing these motivators daily, your workers will feel more challenged, valued, engaged, and accomplished, resulting in greater output and an increased bottom line for your company. Challenge Employees positively challenged intrinsically desire to push to be…

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February 8, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Business consultants recommend growing your company by outsourcing non-revenue producing functions. Learn which functions these are, and how IES can help. Outsource Non-Income-Producing Tasks Payroll, human resource administration, back-office support, security clearances, pre-employment screenings, and independent contractor compliance are required tasks that don’t directly increase sales. Tax withholding, reporting, and remittance; electronic filing requirements; and…

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February 5, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Your business’s human resource responsibilities include payroll and tax filing, employee benefit and health administration, legal compliance, and more. Due to the comprehensiveness and complexity of these responsibilities, you may be far better off outsourcing them to an employer of record like IES. Risk Management With employment and labor laws constantly changing, staying current on…

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February 3, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

“Road warriors” who travel across state lines weekly to visit clients or colleagues from other offices, attend meetings and conferences, and handle business are ideal for cultivating business relationships and increasing the company’s bottom line. However, paying these employees, withholding and paying taxes, complying with state and federal laws, and following other payroll requirements can…

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February 1, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

How would you like to save your company thousands of hours and half the costs of traditional temporary staffing expenses? IES did just that for this specific company. Client Profile A particular science and technology solutions provider working in government and commercial sectors to provide scientific, engineering, systems integration, and technical services came to us…

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January 29, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

As a staffing firm owner, non-core functions like payroll are part of doing business. Although processing payroll is a necessary activity, you’re better off outsourcing it. What benefits come from outsourcing your payroll? Consider these. Reduce Costs and Risks Start-up costs for payroll are relatively low because you pay for services as needed. Outsourcing provides…

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January 29, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

The following is a guest post from IES’s President, Peter Limone:  Each year Innovative Employee Solutions meets with hundreds of companies across the United States who are looking for help with Payrolling. Most of these companies are looking to take advantage of the increased efficiency, lower cost, and lower employment risk an Employer of Record…

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January 27, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Many American small businesses have been implementing shorter work weeks than the traditional 40 hours to help attract and retain hardworking employees. Many people find this as a sign of laziness rather than being more productive. There are pros and cons however, to having a shorter work week than other countries. Average Global Work Hours…

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January 25, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Terminating an employee is not an easy task. Make the process go more smoothly by preparing for it in advance. Even better, let Innovative Employee Solutions handle everything as your employer of record. Fulfill Legal Requirements Start by covering all legal aspects of firing an employee. Create a paper trail of the worker’s performance reviews,…

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January 22, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Starting a staffing firm consumes much of your time and money. Make your experience easier by designating Innovative Employee Solutions as your Employer of Record. Definition As your Employer of Record, Innovative Employee Solutions provides human resource services, payroll, back office support, security clearance, pre-employment screenings, and Independent Contractor compliance.  We assume administrative responsibility for…

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