IES Blog

March 9, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

A single bad hire can cost a company up to $50,000, according to a 2012 CareerBuilder study. Money lost from lower productivity and costs associated with recruitment, training and the negative impact on employee morale all add to a loss of up to $5 million for every 100 companies that hire one wrong person. Most of the…

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February 24, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

As the economy continues to show signs of improvement, the use of temporary workers by companies is higher than it has ever been. Temps provide a wide range of benefits for the businesses that use them, as well as the employer of record that sends these individuals out on assignments.The biggest advantage is that an organization…

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February 17, 2015 Read time: 4 minutes

The following is a guest post from IES's President, Peter Limone: We all experience the question, “what does your company do?”  Most of us have an answer for this, but know that the answer we’re giving is not the full story.  Go ahead, explain your company in the next 20 seconds!  Of course there are…

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February 10, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

U.S. job growth has risen, according to Staffing Industry, citing the Conference Board's employment trends index. The reading rose to 127.89, which is an increase of 7.6 percent year over year. With companies hiring new people, it will become important to choose the right workers in this kind of market."The employment trends index suggests that strong…

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February 5, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

Hiring temps is a great way to improve the quality of workers overall. This is because of the "try before you buy" position on hiring that many take when first approaching a temporary services agency. Another way to benefit from temp workers is to use them together with an employer of record, who will list…

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January 30, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

The new year is here and companies have already assessed what their 2015 staffing needs will be. For an employer of record, this is an opportunity to understand what openings their clients will have so that they can recruit qualified temporary workers who possess the requisite skills to fill these positions.According to CareerBuilder's 2015 U.S.…

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January 28, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

During the economic downturn brought on by the Great Recession, many companies took aggressive steps to conserve their financial resources. Unfortunately, this meant that many people would be relieved of their jobs. A large number of workers were laid off at the onset of the recession, and finding another full-time opportunity was extremely difficult.As an…

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January 21, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

Improvements in the economy are causing companies to begin adding to their payrolls by bringing in new talent. Currently, an employee's market exists. According to, 83 percent of recruiters feel that the best and brightest job seekers essentially have a wide variety of opportunities to choose from.Many organizations are finding that they are competing…

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January 21, 2015 Read time: 1 minutes

By now, many companies are seeing improvements in the economy. Job growth continues to trend upward and the market has shifted from power being placed in the hands of employers to job seekers who now have their choice of offers to consider when they are presented. As organizations plan to increase their payrolls in the coming…

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January 14, 2015 Read time: 2 minutes

Temporary workers are valuable commodities in today's business world. According to The Santa Clarita Valley Signal, a number of businesses are planning to increase the use of supplemental staff in 2015 and beyond.However, many companies may not see the value in employing individuals on a short-term or temp basis. Here are a number of reasons…

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