IES Blog

January 13, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes

In a new survey by Hay Group reported in Business Standard, it was found half of line managers feel HR teams are slow to respond. An even greater percentage (76 percent) feel HR holds information too tightly. On the other hand, 71 percent of HR directors say line managers expect responses too quickly and they are…

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January 10, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes

Although changing from one job to another can sometimes make sense in the short term, doing it too many times may be concerning for an HR manager. Five times seems to be the number that raises the most red flags. In a recent survey of more than 300 HR managers at companies in the US with 20…

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January 9, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes

Many HR managers are finding their new hires through social media, according to a new study by HiringSolved. The study also suggests that an applicant's social media profile is likely more up-to-date than his or her resume, as well, because only 25 percent of respondents update their resumes more than once a year, and 40 percent don't…

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January 8, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes

A study by RAND corporation, a nonprofit research group, has found that wellness programs are not always as successful at saving costs as they might seem. "Disease management" programs aimed at helping people with chronic illnesses to stay healthy were found to produce significant cost savings. However, "lifestyle management" programs, such as ones that try to…

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January 8, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes

According to Bob Funk of Oklahoma-based Express Employment Professionals, 2014 could be the year of the temp. He says fears about the economic troubles of the country, dysfunction in Washington and with the added complexity of the Affordable Care Act will likely affect hiring trends, according to Tulsa World. It will be safer for companies in…

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January 7, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes

The jobs recovery is slowing down a little amid concerns about debt issues and other post-recession worries. Twenty-four percent of companies reported they will add full-time, permanent employees in 2014, according to CareerBuilder's annual forecast. That number is down two percentage points from last year. Additionally, 23 percent of employers in HR Administration said they…

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December 31, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Businesses in the Sacramento area are remaining optimistic a strong economy will lead to job growth in 2014.A recent study conducted by Pacific Staffing found 76 percent of Sacramento-based employers believe the economy will improve in 2014 The Sacramento Bee reported. The survey also found six in 10 of those surveyed believed they will add jobs…

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December 30, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

In order to find stand out job candidates, HR representatives should diversify how they recruit on social media, a new survey found.Social media is already prevalent in how companies recruit and get to know candidates. The 2013 Social Media Survey conducted by Jobvite found that more than 94 percent of employers use or are going to…

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December 27, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Culture can have a major impact in creating the identity of a business and the type of workers companies hire. New-York based Booz & Co. recently polled 2,200 business leaders and found 84 percent believe culture plays a big part in the shaping a company.Along with coming to the conclusion culture is a major component…

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December 26, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Job growth in Ohio looks positive for the new year as a survey found that many Ohio businesses will be hiring in 2014.The National Business Trends Survey polled 149 Ohio businesses and found 92 percent of them believed the economy will be approving in 2014, which is good news for those looking for work.The survey…

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