IES Blog

August 13, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

The Society for Human Resource management, sponsored by Colonial Life, recently released a report on employee benefits in American companies. This information is important to consider for employee benefits administration professionals - recruitment and retention efforts may suffer if a company fails to offer benefits workers may have come to expect. Additionally, an understanding of…

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August 12, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

When any employees, whether permanent or temporary workers, unexpectedly decide to move on from a company, many issues are created. It is necessary to hire someone new, attempt to cover the former employee's work until a new hire can be found and in some cases to finish a project with little knowledge of how it was…

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August 9, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

The Affordable Care Act will change the regulations for employee wellness programs as well as impact employee benefits administration. Human resources professionals should know the new rules before the law begins to be enforced. There are two types of wellness program, each with its own advantages and requirements.The first type is participation-based. Programs of this kind offer activities…

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August 8, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Research from Gallup found one in ten employees has been diagnosed with depression. Costs to employers associated with depression - stemming both from absenteeism and poor quality work - total $23 billion a year. The study also demonstrated part-time workers were more likely to be depressed, and people with a history of depression who had…

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August 7, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Internet-based recruitment strategies have long been an essential part of most companies' search for talent. As more users access the Internet from mobile devices, many businesses and staffing firms have had to ensure their websites show up properly on portable technology like smartphones and tablets. Some human resources administration professionals have taken it a step further,…

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August 6, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

In June, there were three job seekers for every open position in the U.S., according to Reuters. This is the lowest the ratio has been in more than four years, and is a strong positive sign for the labor market and the economy in general. Such a low ratio indicates wages may well rise, as employers have…

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August 5, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Recruiters seeking talent online should keep up with the latest strategies and trends in marketing. Using social media to encourage a particular action - in this case, applying for a job - is the domain of specialized marketers who put a lot of thought and time into optimizing their campaigns. Human resources professionals can benefit…

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August 2, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Recruiters are increasingly heading to campus to court the newest crop of MBAs. A study by MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance revealed half of respondents said recruiting activity had increased on their campuses. This indicates a high demand for these graduates, which their business knowledge and often experience may explain.Human resources administration professionals involved…

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August 1, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a recent release from the Labor Department, the number of people filing new unemployment claims in the U.S. is the lowest it has been since January 2008. This news suggests the labor market is doing well - according to David Sloan, senior economist at 4Cast in New York, it may well be increasing, Reuters…

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July 31, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

According to a Gallup report, employment fell among young adults in June year-over-year. Those young adults working full-time accounting for 43.6 percent of the age group. Of those between the ages of 18 and 29, people with a college degree are twice as likely to be employed full-time as those without. For the purposes of…

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