IES Blog

April 30, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

No social media platform has gained more popularity among HR administrators than LinkedIn. The networking site is specifically designed for professionals and job candidates to display their resumes, skill sets, education and references in one accessible place. Recently, LinkedIn has been evolving, and here's a few tips for recruiters to maximize their use of the site.1.…

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April 29, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Employees understand that when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) comes into effect next year their employer-covered insurance may change. However, there continues to be miscommunication between companies and the workforce regarding healthcare reform. Employee benefits administrations might want to consider taking steps to increase conversation about what the ACA will mean for their benefits. Aflac's latest WorkForces Report…

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April 29, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

HR administrators planning on increasing staff on payroll may employ more recent college graduates, according to a new survey by and the more than 2,000 recruiters polled, 65 percent reported they hope to hire from the 2013 class. The survey found 24 percent said they would rather bring in recent graduates from prestigious universities…

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April 26, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Employers tend to see contingent workers as unequal parts of the company dynamic, often excluding them from training programs or aspects of workplace culture. With almost a third of the labor force being contract employees, businesses cannot afford a high turnover of their contingent staff. Companies employing temporary workers can help prevent short-term staff members from becoming disengaged…

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April 25, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Many veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have come back from abroad unable to find work related to their skill sets. Earlier this year, First-Lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, called state governors to assist veterans in obtaining civilian careers. Some states have already implemented legislation, and more are planning…

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April 24, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Companies across the country are using tools to track the daily activities of employees and many are integrating monitoring technology to manage contract workers when they are on the job. According to Workforce magazine, businesses are turning to technology and alternative management strategies to help track temporary staff through their work day. Due to short-term employees not being…

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April 24, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Companies have begun looking to their employee benefits administration to find financial solutions before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) comes into effect. But new research found the last decade saw significant drops in employer-provided health coverage and in workers who accept those benefits.According to a report prepared by researchers at the University of Minnesota's State Health Access Data Assistance…

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April 23, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

A recent survey by The Wall Street Journal and NBC News suggests women continue to face adversity on the job due to their gender. As women account for 46.8 percent of the labor force, HR administrations might want to take note. The survey of 1,000 employees looked at the gender wage gap, gender discrimination and the…

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April 22, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Employee benefit administrations understand that there will be penalties under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for failing to provide financially viable healthcare for all workers. But Americans who simply choose not to have health insurance, even if their employer offers it, will also be subject to special fees. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, Americans who do…

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April 19, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

With the economy steadily improving and more businesses looking for highly-skilled employees, the need for contract workers continues to increase.According to the 2013 Q1 IQNdex by IQNavigator, staffing firms are charging companies more to use their services and are seeing a rise in the employment of short-term staff. The quarterly index examines the percentage of…

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