IES Blog

February 21, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

As small businesses grow, owners and managers begin to realize the frustration of spending time on HR administration. Dealing with payrolling, talent management and benefits can take up 40 percent of a business owner's workday, according to Entrepreneur magazine.Many companies are outsourcing HR services to outside companies that specialize in administrative work, recruitment and other…

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February 21, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Three-quarters of workers who applied for jobs in the last year using various resources report never hearing back from employers, according to a recent survey by CareerBuilder.The job search website polled more than 3,900 U.S. workers during the month of November. Eighty-two percent of workers said they expect a response from a company after submitting…

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February 20, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), large employers will be required to offer healthcare benefits to all employees who work a minimum of 30 hours per week. While the mandate will likely force businesses to extend coverage to many part-time workers, a recent survey reveals only a small portion of these employees currently accept employer-sponsored…

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February 20, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

With many companies having trouble finding employees with the right skill set, employers can't afford to skimp on the amount of effort they put into seeking out and interviewing potential hires and evaluating their application. Here are three ways to prepare for an effective interview.Formalize the job description While this bit of advice seems obvious, many employers fail…

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February 19, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

The majority of employers aim to steer clear of health insurance cost increases associated with healthcare reform, according to a recent survey by Willis Group Holdings.The insurance broker's Health Care Reform Survey 2013, which was released last week, found 60 percent of employers stated avoiding benefits expense increases is very important to their business, however,…

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February 15, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

While many industries have difficulty finding ideal talent within a growing pool of jobseekers, the American Management Association (AMA) released survey results that may encourage businesses to reevaluate the performance of people who are already on the payroll.More than half of the executives surveyed by the AMA said their employees' competency levels are average at…

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February 14, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

While the majority of job candidates enter an interview with the intention of being professional, some interviewees may have a skewed judgment of what is appropriate to ask.In a recent survey by Office Team, a staffing service, HR administration managers were asked to share the most unusual or surprising question they were asked during an…

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February 14, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

The employment gap between the general U.S. workforce and workers with a disability is significant.In 2011, the employment rate for all working-age people in the U.S. was 75.6 percent, while the employment rate for work-age people with a disability was just 33.4 percent, according to the 2011 Disability Status Report: United States released by Cornell University.While the U.S.…

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February 13, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

The expiration of the payroll tax cut in January has had little affect on retail sales, Business Insider reports.Non-auto, non-gas sales retail sales were positive last month, with store sales up 5.1 percent year-over-year from 4.4 percent in December.High Frequency Economics' chief U.S. economist Jim O'Sullivan warned, however, that when payroll tax cuts went into…

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February 13, 2013 Read time: 1 minutes

Many businesses were hit hard by the economic recession, and had to cope with its effects by limiting hiring and spending on talent management. However, as the recovery has led to a business uptick for companies of all sizes, HR administration professionals and company leaders should consider investing in employees who can get lead organizations to success, even during…

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