IES Blog

December 10, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Many business service companies have been sending jobs abroad in large quantities over the last decade to cut costs. USA Today reports in the past few years, the recession has significantly increased the phenomenon, which is expected to continue at its current rate before slowing down in 2016. As the economy picks up slowly, many…

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December 6, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

The longer it takes Congress to find a solution to the fiscal cliff, the harder it will be for the nation's 27 million small businesses, the vast majority of whom are administering their own payroll, according to CNN. The American Payroll Association warned that if Congress doesn't decide on tax rates by December 14, businesses…

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December 6, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Companies tend to view human resource departments in a variety of lights. Some businesses consider the division a key component to enterprise success, while others regard it as merely a set of administrative duties. Human resources are a combination of the two mindsets, offering businesses new avenues for innovation and strategizing, while maintaining the status…

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December 4, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

A recent study found almost half of employees who know their company does allow the use of file sharing services utilize them anyway. Nasuni, a virtual storage space provider, surveyed more than 1,300 corporate IT users and compiled the "Special Report on Shadow IT in the Workplace." As HR services confront the increasing demand for…

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December 3, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

The rise of mobile solutions and virtual communication tools is allowing companies to function in a digital environment. Employees are now using laptops, smartphones and tablets to conduct business, often opting for their personal devices when handling company data and communications. While enterprise infrastructure is protected from cyber threats and hacking through a companywide implementation,…

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December 3, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Three in five employers said when they contacted a reference listed on an application, the reference didn't provide positive information about the candidate, according to a new study by CareerBuilder. The study surveyed nearly 3,000 hiring managers and HR services professionals, in addition to roughly 4,000 workers. Roughly three of every 10 employers reported they've…

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November 30, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

American employers and HR administration professionals are becoming more confident in the abilities of people who are disabled, according to a recent study by employment resource provider AbilityOne. The study surveyed 1,000 individuals about their attitudes toward blind and disabled workers. Sixty-four percent of respondents said they were very comfortable with their business hiring a…

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November 29, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

Demand for integrated talent management technologies is up and as global spending on these systems is expected to grow 22 percent to nearly $4 billion between 2012 and 2013, according to a recent study by Bersin & Associates. The HR research provider states this rate of sales is almost twice what it was between 2011…

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November 28, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

While the global employment market has lost roughly 27 million jobs over the past three years, HR administration services are looking to some industries that are reversely booming with opportunity, according to a recent forecast by FindEmployment. The online recruiting service states the following sectors will be increasing employment over the new few years. 1.…

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November 28, 2012 Read time: 1 minutes

The recent Verisight and McGladrey Compensation, Retirement and Benefits Trends Survey found benefits continue to remain a major factor in total reward decisions, with 47 percent of executives using the perks to attract and 48 percent to retain top talent. Martha Sadler, managing director of Verisight, explained that in the aftermath of the recent economic…

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