The Growing Gig Economy: A Golden Opportunity for the Staffing and Recruiting Industry
Posted on April 3rd, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes
Delivery truck drivers, accountants, software developers…even mystery shoppers. The booming gig economy is rapidly changing how many workers make money. Nearly 54 million Americans participated in some form of independent work in 2015. That’s more than 33 percent of the entire U.S. workforce! In fact, some researchers project that half of the working U.S. population will move into the gig economy within the next five years. As a staffer or recruiter, that’s great news for you.
Build your business.
Freedom and flexibility. It’s the dynamic duo that’s compelling more and more workers to choose a variety of temporary jobs instead of working for just one company.
Asking for time off to go to the doctor, or attend their child’s ballet recital? No thanks, say these independent workers. Greater control over their schedules and a stronger work-life balance is what drives this freewheeling workforce. And your staffing firm is in a great position to fill those needs.
Even better? Most freelance workers are highly qualified, with college or graduate degrees. They’re committed to regularly enhancing and updating their skills, making them great candidates – and a great way to build your business.
Be a hero to your clients.
The daily struggle for many employers? Trying to get through their never-ending “to do” lists. Which makes dealing with gig economy workers a workload nightmare. But for staffing professionals, it’s a golden ticket. For starters, you’re an expert at attracting, engaging, and managing contract workers, which frees overloaded employers from an even more crushing workload. What’s more, you’re helping protect them from liability.
Case in point? Companies like Uber are facing a multitude of compliance issues and lawsuits from hiring gig workers directly. As a staffing professional, you’re in a strong position to create or maintain procedures for worker classification, exempt and non-exempt workers, statement of work (SOW) management systems, and more – ensuring gig economy workers and client companies are 100% compliant. Stepping in to fill these costly and often treacherous gaps for your clients means more business – and profits – for you.
The best way to realize this new revenue stream – without the old hassles? Work with a reliable Employer of Record company. Whether you’re a one-person office, or have multiple recruiters and locations, using a back office administration service lets you to easily recruit contingent workers without the added burden, risk and liability. Allowing you to focus on what you do best – finding just the right talent for your clients.
Create a branding win-win.
The climate, the culture, the vibe. Whatever you call it, it’s very important to gig workers – and to the clients who need them. Which means you need to find contract employees with just the right blend of skills and personality to “fit in.”
Also important to these workers? A real sense of value and satisfaction in the company they’re working for. As a recruiter, this puts you in an excellent position to promote your client’s brand. Through strategic messaging and social media recruiting, you can more accurately match contingent workers with client needs. Plus, it allows you to create stronger awareness of your own business to potential prospects – making it a win-win for you and your clients.
The best of times.
The gig economy is expanding far beyond the U.S. borders. Millions of people around the globe are opting for greater independence in their work lives, supercharging the gig economy. And with the rapid advances in technology, contract work from virtually anywhere is easier to accomplish than ever before. Giving the new 21st century worker more freedom and independence – and a golden opportunity for staffers and recruiters,
As a member of the staffing industry, you’re in the perfect position to capitalize on the booming gig economy – and the friendly pros at IES are ready to help you do it. Pump up revenue, expand your business, and minimize your risk – all while eliminating the hassles! Contact us for your affordable, customized HR & payrolling solution today.