Temp working must defy stereotypes in order to continue its progress into the mainstream
Posted on May 13th, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes
Today's labor market can be a difficult one for certain industries, but there are temporary workers for almost every job. In fact, according to the Lane Report, 2 percent of the current labor force consists of temp workers, and it is likely this number will continue rising as temps prove themselves to be useful and efficient for employers.
The Lane Report called it a win-win situation for both contract workers and those who hire them. Workers can choose their own hours and go from one job to another, taking whatever interests them. Employers can find it easy to expand and contract with the market .
The dramatic rise of strong anti-temping sentiments may come from when temporary workers are mistreated. In some cases "perma-temps" are hired to work full time at temp-worker prices. But this is not the fault of temp work as a concept. Instead, it is simply an abuse of an otherwise effective means of getting jobs done. According to ABC-affiliate WOTV, there are many myths about temporary work. Temps do not have to pay money to ask for work. Additionally, there are indeed temp jobs that lead to permanent work. And, contrary to popular belief, it does not look bad on someone's resume to have spent a long time temping. It looks like the applicant has simply been spending his or her time wisely, earning a paycheck and gaining experience.