Temporary staffing revenue maintains steady pace
Posted on May 6th, 2014 Read time: 1 minutes
Two new surveys by Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) show the temporary staffing services industry is making major progress. According to the first survey, a study of staffing revenue shows the industry is maintaining a strong pace of growth. In March, growth stood at 10 percent, which is the same as it had been in January and February. Median revenue remains at 10 percent in the office/clerical segment. IT revenue has increased to 11 percent.
"While median temporary staffing revenue growth remained unchanged at a solid 10 percent year over year in April, the net proportion of firms reporting an increase in new orders surged from 49 percent to 60 percent," said Research Associate Ziv Tepman. "This is the highest value we have recorded since April 2012."
The second survey indicates those who hire temporary workers from an employer of record are becoming more willing to accept the inevitability of the rising costs now associated with the Affordable Care Act. The percentage of buyers who expect to pay no share of ACA costs has fallen to 36 percent, while in 2012, 62 percent did not expect to pay ACA costs.
SIA attributes this change to increased awareness of the high prices that come with paying for health insurance and maintaining the appropriate government records.